Research activities are carried out by the scientific department, which is a subdivision of the reserve.
An average number of employees of the scientific department as of 01.12.2017 is 16 people, including research staff - 12, from which 3 employees have a PhD degree.
In 2012, the state nature protection institution "Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve" was accredited by the State Committee for Science and Technology and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus as a scientific organization for the period until November 29, 2017 (certificate No. 171 of November 30, 2012).
Ivkovic, Valery Semenovich,candidate of agricultural Sciences,Deputy Director on research work. In 1980 he graduated from the Belarusian technological Institute. S. M. Kirov, majoring in forestry. Working in the reserve since 1980. Specialization – forestry, silviculture, bolitophagini.
He graduated from the international courses on preparation of management plans for wetlands (the Netherlands). Held internships in France and South Africa. Participated in International training on management of especially protected natural territories (USA, University of Montana). Participated in Projects for UNDP, GEF, UNEP, W/MATRA.
Author of over 140 articles and monographs:
- Valetov V. V., Ivkovic, V. S., Kudin M. V. Production-biometric evaluation of the vegetation of the protected wetlands. – Minsk: Uradzhai, 1989. – 127 p
- Valetov V. V. Arnolbik V. M., Stavrovskaya A. A., Ivkovic, V. S., Featuresnokia and condition of the pine forests of Berezinsky biosphere reserve. – Minsk, 1993. – 228 s. More articles in the section Scientific articles and publications. e-mail:
Natarov Vasily Maksimovich, candidate of agricultural Sciences, . In 1979 he graduated from the geographical faculty of the Belarusian state University, geographer. Working in the reserve since 1976. Specialization in geographic Sciences: soil science, hydrology, climatology, Geochemistry of landscapes, cartography. He has published more than 110 scientific papers:
- Seasonal dynamics of soil temperature in coniferous phytocenoses // Reserves of Belarus. Research. – Vol. 9. – Mn.: Uraji, 1985. – Pp. 84-90. – Et al. I. K. Blintsov.
- Changes in the moisture content of the sandy soil profile in time and space, forestry and forestry. – Vol. 21. – Mn.: Vysheishaya SHKOLA, 1986. – S. 10-15. – Et al. I. K. Blintsov.
- The intensity of transpiration of a stand of bog pine forests and black alder forests // nature Reserves of Belarus. Research. – Vol. //. – Mn.: Uraji, 1987. P. 56-62. More articles in the section Scientific articles and publications
Ivkovic Evgeniya Nikolaevna, candidate of agricultural Sciences, leading researcher.In 1975 he graduated from the Kyrgyz agricultural Institute Scriabin's speciality – agronomist. Working in the reserve since 1978. Specialization – geobotany, botany. Participated in projects of the European Union and the United Nations development Programme, the project "capacity building of the Belarusian Botanical society to raise awareness on the protection and management of meadow ecosystems: example of inclusion of territories with high nature value in the pan-European ecological network", etc. Interned in the summer school on public participation in the process of applying strategic environmental assessments (UNDP RB). The author of over 100 articles and monographs:
- Valetov V. V., V. S. Ivkovic, Ivkovic, E. N. "The dynamics of informational indicators protected forests", Mozyr: ID "White wind", 2006 – p. 109
- Stepanovich I. M., Ivkovic, E. N., S. E. F., Avtusko S. A. "the grass community of the Berezinsky biosphere reserve: structure, productivity, condition." – Mn.: Nature protection institution "Berezinsky isvery reserve", - 2005. – 200 p. More articles in the section Scientific articles and publications
Lukashuk, Alexander Olegovich., senior researcher. . Graduated from the biological faculty of the Belarusian state University. V. I. Lenin in 1989 with a major in biology. He went to work in the Berezinsky biosphere reserve in 1987, Specialization in entomology. Research interests - taxonomy, faunistics and ecology of insects of Hemiptera (Heteroptera); invertebrates Berezinsky biosphere reserve. The basic nature of work: research, working with databases, ecotourism, conducting definitions, biological information, monitoring, nature protection, environmental education.
Has experience in field and laboratory work in Belarus, the CIS (Russia (European part and far East), Ukraine, Armenia, Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan) and abroad (Poland, France) in forest, arid, mountainous areas. Published 72 scientific works and 3 popular science:
- Lukashuk A. O. Podgornyi Bugs (Heteroptera: Aradidae) of Berezinsky biosphere reserve. // Specially protected natural territories of Belarus. Research. Issue 7. – Mn.: The Belarusian House of press. - 2012. – 327 c. - S. 296-301. More articles in the section Scientific articles and publications. e-mail:
Avtusko Svetlana Aleksandrovna, senior researcher.. In 1992 graduated from the Belarusian State University. Lenin faculty of biology qualification: biologist, teacher of biology and chemistry. In the reserve since 1992, specializing in botany.
Participated in the projects "capacity building of the Belarusian Botanical society to raise awareness on the protection and management of meadow ecosystems: example of inclusion of territories with high nature value in the pan-European ecological network", "Monitoring flora". Participated in the development of recommendations: "to preserve the unique grassland communities of the tract "Love", "Sosnowski's Hogweed in the Berezinsky biosphere reserve "action Plan for fight and control of the state of foci in natural habitats", etc. the Author of 38 scientific papers:
- Stepanovich I. M., Ivkovic, E. N., S. E. F., Avtusko S. A. "the grass community of the Berezinsky biosphere reserve: structure, productivity, condition." – Mn.: Nature protection institution "Berezinsky isvery reserve", - 2005. – 200 p. More articles in the section Scientific articles and publications. e-mail:
Bogutskiy Yuriy Vladimirovich, senior researcher.. In 1996 graduated from the Belarusian State University, faculty of biology, qualification: biologist. In the reserve since 1996, specializing in ornithology.
Participated in tripartite joint research of owls (Belarus - France - Poland) in 2009-2011 participated in the project to study the migration of the woodcock (France - Belarus) in 2005-2012 the Author of 35 scientific articles and abstracts:
- Bohutskyi Yu. V., Bogutskaya T. S. the Importance of Berezinsky biosphere reserve to preserve rare and endangered species of birds in Belarus // nature protection in the Republic of Belarus: results and prospects: materials of International scientific-practical conference / redkollegii.: V. S. Ivkovic and others - Minsk: the Belarusian House of press, 2010. – P. 17 -18.
- Bohutskyi Yu. V., Bogutskaya T. S. Species composition of the Berezinsky biosphere reserve // the Behavior, ecology and evolution of animals: monographs, articles, messages / SB. scientific papers of the RSU named for S. A. Yessenin (Zoological Series) / Under the General editorship of I. A. Zhiharev. - Ryazan: NP "Voice of the province", 2012.- Vol. 3. - C. 7 – 24. More articles in the section Scientific articles and publications
Ivkovic Denis Valer'evich, researcher..In 2007 she graduated from the biological faculty of the Belarusian state University, speciality – biology. In the Berezinsky reserve since 2007, specializing in the ecology of open ecosystems. Participated in the development of the management Plan of the Berezinsky reserve and other projects. Internship in the framework of the project UNEP / GEF "Establishment of a training centre in the Berezinsky biosphere reserve" in the Regional Park of Northern Vosges (France). Was a member of the project EU/UNDP "support to development of comprehensive structure for international cooperation in the field of environmental protection in the Republic of Belarus". Winner of many photo contests on the wild. Author of 14 scientific publications:
- Ivkovic D. V. Berezinsky reserve Potential in the development of environmental education // Biological diversity of the Belarusian Poozerye: modern state, problems of use and protection: materials of II International scientific-practical conference / redkol.: A. M. Dorofeev, etc. – Vitebsk: EE "VSU them. P. M. Masherov", 2008 – P. 117 - 118. More articles in the section Scientific articles and publications .
Ryzhkova Anastasia Nikolaevna, the youngest researcher.. In 2008 he graduated from the Vitebsk State University. P. M. Masherov, specialty – bioekolog, teacher of biology and ecology; referent-translator of English language. In the Berezinsky reserve since 2008, academic division – since 2009, specializing in the ecology of open ecosystems. Deals with issues of international cooperation of the reserve, is the performer of the annual reports provided to the Council of Europe, activities of the SNPI "Berezinsky biosphere reserve" in fulfilment of the requirements of the European diploma of protected areas. Participated in the preparation of a Comprehensive description of the reserve and its wetlands using international criteria for inclusion in the Berezinski biosphere reserve in the List of Ramsar wetlands. Has 14 publications:
- Ryzhkova A. N., Ivkovic D. V. Prospects of environmental education in the Berezinsky biosphere reserve // Eco - and agrotourism: development perspectives on local territories: materials of the international scientific-practical conference. – Baranovichi, 2009. – P. 73 – 74. More articles in the section Scientific articles and publications
Springer Alexander, Junior researcher. .In 2010 he graduated from the Vitebsk State University. P. M. Masherov, degree in Bioecology. In the Berezinsky reserve - 2010 specialization – mammalogist. Author of 9 publications:
Borisov Yu. M. Hybrid origin of chromosomal polymorphism of populations of the common shrew Sorex araneus (Mammalia) in the Dnieper basin / Yu. M. Borisov, A. A. Kovalev, A. M. Springer, E. V. Cherepanova, P. A. Kashtalyan, V. N. Eagles // Reports Of Academy Of Sciences. – 2009. – Vol. 429, No. 4, pp. 1-4.
Borisov Yu. M. Polymorphism of chromosomal races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus, Incsectivora) Belarus / Yu. M. Borisov, V. N. Bakharev, E. V. Cherepanova, A. M. Springer, P. A. Kashtalyan, Z. Z. Borisov, S. M. Migui, V. N. Eagles // Molecular and applied genetics: scientific collection. Tr. / A Institute of genetics and Cytology, Belarus; redkol.: A. V. Kilchevsky [and others]. – Minsk, 2011. – Vol. 12. - P. 90-100. More articles in the section Scientific articles and publications
Zimnitsky Vadim Antonovich, Junior researcher..In 2002 he graduated from the Belgorod state technological University, majoring in forestry. Working in the reserve since 2002, the scientific Department in 2011, specializing in forestry. Key publications:
- Ivkovic V. S., Zimnitsky V. A. Analysis of natural regeneration under the canopy of pine forests in the conditions of the protected mode for example, the Berezinsky biosphere reserve) // field experience: history, modernity, perspectives. Third international readings in memory of N. M. Przhevalsky (the conference materials). - Smolensk: Magenta, 2012. – S. 45 - 47.
- Ivkovic, V., Ryzhkov A. N., ZimnitskyV. A. Diversity of wetlands Berezinsky biosphere reserve, the status and protection // current state and prospects of development of especially protected natural territories of the Republic of Belarus: Materials of International scientific-practical conference / redkol.: V. S. Ivkovic (resp. ed.) [et al.]. – Minsk: the Belarusian House of press, 2012. – S. 42 – 44. More articles in the section Scientific articles and publications
Rak Alexander, Junior researcher.. In 2015 he graduated from the biological faculty of the Belarusian state University with a degree in bio – ecology. In the Berezinsky reserve was created in 2015., specialize in theriology. Research interests – ecology of large mammals. Author of 3 scientific publications, including:
Rak A. B., Kittel, D. A., Yankevich Y. A. and others. the New place of registration diurnal raptors listed in the Red book of the Republic of Belarus" // the Red book of the Republic of Belarus : state, problems, prospects: materials of international scientific conference, Vitebsk, December 13-15, 2011 / Vit. state Univ ; redkol.: V. J. Kuzmenko (resp. ed.) [et al.]. – Vitebsk : EE "VSU them. P. M. Masherov", 2011. – 203 S. – 144.
Lychavco Anna Erastovna,senior laboratory assistant
Graduated with honors in 2017 geographical faculty of BSU.In the Berezinsky reserve is open from September 2017.The basic nature of work: field and laboratory work, development and optimization of GIS of the territory of the reserve.
In 1987 he graduated from the Vitebsk radio TU-96. Working in the reserve since 1994. Involved in field and laboratory work, Assembly and materials processing research.