Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve
This is the only specially protected natural area of the highest rank in the Republic of Belarus. A unique natural complex, including an exceptional diversity of different types of forests, meadows and swamps, a unique floodplain complex of the Berezina River, many large and small rivers, and unique lakes.
In 1979, it was among the first nature conservation institutions of the former Soviet Union to receive biosphere status. Participating in the implementation of the UNESCO intergovernmental program “Man and the Biosphere” (MAB), it is actively working to solve the main tasks of the international network of biosphere reserves.

Immerse yourself in the world of wild nature!
We invite you to watch the animals from a comfortable glass tower.
This is an opportunity to see deer, elk and roe deer in their natural habitat without disturbing their peaceful life. The tower is equipped for the convenience of guests: warm and cozy even in the cold. You will have the opportunity not only to admire the majestic animals, but also to take amazing photos.
Why is it worth trying?
– Close contact with nature without harming animals.
– Comfortable conditions for observation in winter.
– Unforgettable emotions and a chance to see wild animals in a way that is only possible here.
The cost for a group of 1 to 4 people is 80 rubles. Each additional person is 20 rubles. You can book an excursion by phone: +375 (2132) 37713. Touch the secrets of nature with the Berezinsky Nature Reserve!

«Э-ге-гей! Масленица!»
Однодневная программа «Э-ге-гей! Масленица!» пройдёт в Березинском заповеднике с 22 февраля по 9 марта.
Гостей ожидают интересные и увлекательные экскурсионно-анимационные мероприятия, включающие не только традиционные масленичные гуляния, но и познавательные экскурсии в Музее природы, а также в вольерах «Лесной зоопарк» и «Зоопарк домашних животных». А от музея до вольеров можно будет добраться на новом туристическом паровозике вместимостью 25 человек. На свежем заповедном воздухе предлагаем отведать вкусные пышные блинчики с мёдом и вареньем, а также ароматный травяной чай. А на территории «Лесного зоопарка» можно будет перекусить приготовленными на фудтраке блюдами.
Reserve news

Drivers, beware – sudden appearance of wild animals is possible!
We urge drivers to be more careful on the M3 highway, which crosses the reserve.
News from the forest protection and forestry department of our reserve
From September 4, cranberry picking is possible for citizens living within the boundaries of the…
Results of the summer Spartakiad among employees of organizations of the Presidential Property Management Department of the Republic of Belarus
On August 24, 2024, the 2nd Spartakiad among subordinate organizations of the Presidential Property Management…
Photo report on the fifth festival of Slavic mythology «Shlyakh Tsmoka»
How the Belarusian dragon Tsmok brought twice as many guests to the reserve this summer.
MoreHotels and lodges
Hotel complex «Plavno»

Restaurants and cafes
Restaurant GC «Plavno»

Calendar of seasonal excursions

- In the kingdom of the graceful doe
- Wolves in the reserve ecosystems
- White Book of the Forest
- Forest Safari
- Animal watching

- We meet the birds
- Live orchestra
- Excursion to the spring forest
- Fluttering primroses
- In the kingdom of frogs
- Botanical Walk
- Nesting Trail
- Photobirding competition «Reserved frame»
- Nightingale Nights
- The Mysterious World of Swamps